Chiropractic X Ray Equipment for Sale in Los Angeles CA
We have a list of chiropractic x-ray equipment for sale from
an office in The Greater Los Angeles area. Bid for equipment
should also include de-installation. Items ready now.
Sedecal X-ray control and High Frequency generator, battery powered (therefore can function with standard electrical wiring in building, no special power run needed). On wheels.AFP Mini Med Automatic Processor (90 seconds), set up as self-plumbed, no water or drain required, very easy install. (2 boxes of replacement processor parts if ever needed)
Portable lead operator shield, several cassettes. 8X10, 10X12, 14X17
(you dismantle and transport), patient shielding too.
Everything you need. LOW PRICE for all, you arrange proper dismantle and transportation.
These medical items are not owned by Hospital Direct Medical Equipment Inc.,
and is posted on this website to help bring in offers and a buyers on the customer’s behalf. Submit an offer for the items as a complete batch or for items you are interested and we will notify the “Seller”. Successful bidders will be notified and items will be ready for inspection and sale.
MAKE ON OFFER on these items – email us at
or call us at 858-263-4894 or 858-731-7278
MAKE AN OFFER FOR THESE ITEMS – Email us at or at 858-731-7278
or 858-263-4894 – “Medical Equipment at Deal Prices”
These medical items are not owned by Hospital Direct Medical Equipment Inc.,
and is posted on this website to help bring in offers and a buyers on the customer’s behalf. Submit an offer for the items as a complete batch or for items you are interested and we will notify the “Seller”. Successful bidders will be notified and items will be ready for inspection and sale.